Thank you for your interest in the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company. You can help us to create more new dances by Lar Lubovitch and to teach dance worldwide. (Through Lar’s Dance Your Dreams we focus on all five boroughs of New York City). Donating on-line is completely secure. If you have any questions, however, please call 212-221-7909 and ask for our development director.

Yes, I want to help the Lubovitch company teach and perform!
All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
Suggested giving levels are:
Commissioner: $10000
Benefactor: $5000
Patron: $1000
Sponsor: $500
Donor: $250
Friend: $100

Click here to see a list of our Supporters


Send a check
Lar Lubovitch Dance Company
229 West 42nd Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10036-7299



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